Workplace Safety Tips for Employers and Employees

Workplace Safety Tips for Employers and Employees

Workplace safety is an extremely important issue which both employers and employees must keep in mind when at work. It is the responsibility of those in managerial positions to ensure that the work environment is safe. A safe workplace can encourage employees to work more efficiently, thus increasing their productivity. In order to implement various workplace safety measures and increase the chances of a safe, productive work environment for all, it is important everybody in the company follows rules and heeds precautions. These safety practices could entail a wide variety of measures such as ergonomic seating for employees, fireproofing offices, anti-slip mats for wet floors, the proper use of equipment, machinery and ladders, a conveniently placed plastic or metal step stool for reaching high shelves, etc. These safety practices should not only be part of company policy but should also be actively followed by all members of staff, from the manager to temporary employees. Here are a few tips to ensure safety at the workplace:

Slips and falls

In many parts of the developed world, slips and falls are a common source of workplace injuries from which employees routinely suffer (Trotto, 2015). In order to prevent this, floors must be uncluttered as well as clean and dry so that people don’t slip. Care must also be taken when employees operate machinery or use ladders and stools to reach objects or places that are difficult to access. For example, when using a plastic step stool, companies must ensure that the base will not cause it to slip and that it is strong and durable enough to take the required weight. With an anti-slip layer on the base, the stool will not cause staff to fall by slipping from under their feet.


Maintaining the right posture is important to maintaining good health, particularly for employees who spend long hours seated at work. Workplace safety policies must include encouraging staff to take care of themselves while at work so that they are less stressed and tired. Companies could give staff members guidance on the correct posture: when sitting, you must sit with a straight back, feet touching the floor and the knees making a 90 degree angle to the hips. Furthermore, employees should not stay in the same position for long periods and should be encouraged to keep changing positions by taking enough breaks. Lifting and handling must also be done with care and in the proper manner. For example, when lifting something, you must lift with both hands and adopt a stance where the strain is placed on the legs and not on the back.

Fire hazards

Workplaces must be equipped with all fire-safety related equipment. Proper training should also be given to all employees regarding the protocols to follow in the event of a fire. Fire exits must be easily accessible. Combustible materials should be stored with proper care and only in the amounts needed for the job. These materials should be stored in designated areas away from ignition sources. Proper signs should be used to indicate the presence or existence of hazards. Correct personal protective equipment should also be worn at all times and companies must comply with all health and safety regulations.

You can get in touch with AJ Products to buy ergonomic furniture for comfortable seating, as well as access equipment such as a folding step stool and other workplace safety products.

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