Simplify Waste Management: Office Waste Sorting Guide

Easy Waste Sorting: Simplify Recycling in Your Office

A well-functioning waste management system with smart segregation of office waste is essential for sustainability. Recycling a large amount of waste benefits both the environment and the company. With clear and accessible waste sorting, eco-friendly behaviour becomes a natural part of the workday, leading to a sustainable workplace.

Girl recycling lunch packaging in a waste cabinet with lid

Identifying waste sorting needs

Estimating Waste Amounts

Recycling used materials is beneficial for the environment and helps conserve natural resources. Items like empty packages, newspapers, and electronic waste can be sorted for recycling. A good waste sorting system makes this process effortless. Waste sorting should be easy and integrated into daily routines.

First, estimate the amount and types of waste generated in your office. This helps in setting up an efficient waste sorting plan. Different departments may produce varying amounts and types of waste, so tailor your approach accordingly.

Different types of waste to consider

Hazardous Waste

Includes waste oil, impregnated wood, solvents, and various chemical wastes.

Electronic Waste

Any waste with cables or batteries, such as electronics, fluorescent lamps, low-energy lamps, and batteries.

Paper Waste

Includes newspapers, brochures, office paper, and similar items that can be recycled into new paper products.

Plastic Packaging

Such as plastic cans, tubes, bottles, and styrofoam.

Glass Packaging

Includes glass bottles and jars, often divided into coloured and clear categories.

Metal Packaging

Common items like aluminium foil, moulds, cans, caps, and lids.

Food Waste

Leftover food that can be converted into biogas or biofertilizer.

Bulk Waste

Large items that are not considered packaging materials.

General Waste

Everyday waste that cannot be sorted into the above categories.

A canteen where an employee is using a waste sorting cabinet to recycle

Choosing the Right Waste Containers

Waste Containers for Canteens

In large canteens, waste sorting cabinets with designated openings are ideal. Place several cabinets together to sort various types of waste. For smaller canteens, use sorting cabinets with drawers and plastic boxes. Compost containers are perfect for converting food waste into biogas.

Waste Containers for Offices

In offices, battery bins  for used batteries are essential. For paper recycling, a simple plastic box may suffice, but for larger amounts of paper, a waste container with casters is more practical.Waste containers with flip-top lids in different colours  are suitable for PET bottles and aluminium cans.

Waste Containers for Warehouses

Tipping containers are ideal for sorting and handling materials like metal, gravel, cement, and wood. These containers are designed for use with forklifts and can withstand tough handling. Use different coloured tipping containers for easy sorting and choose models with automatic tipping features.

Waste Containers for Preschools

For preschools, low-height, colour-coded sorting containers make it easy for children to participate in waste sorting.

Easy Sorting with Clear Labelling

Importance of Labelling

Label your waste containers to ensure everyone knows what goes where. Use colour-coded containers to indicate specific waste types. Self-adhesive picture stickers or labels made with a labelling machine can also be used.

Using Colour-Coded Containers

Different colours for different types of waste make sorting easier and more intuitive. Place containers in visible and accessible locations to encourage proper use.

Self-Adhesive Picture Stickers

Picture stickers visually represent the type of waste each container is for, making it easy for everyone to sort correctly.
Recycling food packaging in a sorting cabinet
Waste sorting unit CELSIUS
Three round waste containers in different heights with casters and differently shaped openings
Waste bin BROOKLYN
A woman sorting fruit, newspaper and an empty plastic drinks bottle

Regular Emptying and Cleaning 

Setting Up Routines

Regularly empty and clean waste containers to maintain a tidy environment. Establish routines to ensure filled containers are promptly emptied, especially those containing food waste to avoid odours.

Choosing Containers with Casters

Containers with casters are easier to move and empty. Sorting cabinets can be equipped with waste bag holders or plastic boxes with handles for convenience.

Proper Recycling and Transportation

Ensuring Proper Disposal

All sorted waste must be transported to the appropriate recycling facilities. Check with your local municipality for specific recycling guidelines and regulations.


Implementing an efficient waste sorting system increases the likelihood of proper recycling. The more we recycle, the fewer resources we consume, and the less hazardous waste is released into the environment. By making waste sorting easy and integral to the workday, we can all contribute to a better, more sustainable environment.

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Waste sorting helps protect the environment, conserves natural resources, and reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills. It promotes sustainable practices within the workplace.
Consider the types and amounts of waste your office generates. Choose containers that are suitable for specific waste types and that fit well within your workspace.
Make waste sorting easy and accessible. Use clear labelling, provide the right containers, and place them in convenient locations. Educate employees about the importance of recycling and the benefits of waste sorting.
Consider using caster-equipped waste sorting modules, wall-mounted shelves, and multifunctional furniture to save space while implementing an efficient waste sorting system.
Empty waste containers regularly to maintain a clean and organised workspace. Establish a routine for emptying containers, especially those containing food waste, to prevent odours and overflow.

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