Recycling bins for schools

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Recycling bins for schools, colleges and universities

Recycling and waste containers should be readily available to pupils and students throughout their school and campus from entrance ways to dining rooms, cafeterias, classrooms and more. Our recycling bins for the education sector are manufactured to be durable and easy to clean as well as being ergonomically designed. Another great benefit is that we have the signage to make it clear and easy for students to recycle. Browse our great selection of school recycling bins and waste containers, including stackable, indoor and outdoor bins, and multi-stream waste containers.

Waste Sorting Units

Our practical waste sorting bins simplify the recycling process and are an excellent choice for schools, colleges and universities. They are equipped with removable inner containers with handles to make it easy for the user to empty and clean the bin. The pedals of our bins are colour-coded, which makes it easier to throw the right trash in the right compartment. Our waste bins are made of stainless steel, which is a durable and stylish material.

Economy Recycling Centres

Our set of three bins is an ideal option to create your own recycling centre. Our recycling centres are made of wipe-clean plastic and are suitable for kitchens, canteens, campus shops, libraries, leisure centres and more. We provide these bins with a set of five labels, which can be used according to your requirements. With many designs, colour schemes and materials, we're confident that we can supply a range of recycling containers to complement your school image and institution recycling policies.

Package deals

Similar to our Economy Recycling centres, we provide package deals that include four wheelie bins, colour-coded lids and recycling labels. We offer these bins with a capacity of 120 litres each, which is a cost-efficient way of segregating waste in demanding environments. Other package deals are also available.